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Businesses That Can Benefit From Using TMS

oleh | 18 Nov 2021 | Solusi

What is TMS?

TMS or Transportation Management System is a platform that assists companies in organizing and managing fleet and warehouse operations. The system relies on cloud and digital connection which means it collects data and transports it in real-time and it can be accessed remotely from anywhere.

TMS helps companies move freight from origin to destination efficiently, reliably, and cost-effectively. The system can help managers and supervisors make freight-related decisions and monitor their vehicles better. It encompasses solutions for moving freight in all modes and also includes intermodal movements, domestically and internationally.

How TMS makes things easier

TMS creates a system where companies can save more time on managing freight and have more time for doing other warehouse duties. It basically offers efficiency that also may result in better cost management. Furthermore, the system features fleet planning and optimization that can benefit both the company and the customers. TMS is also able to protect the company from vehicle theft as it reports in real-time and gives you remote engine control. And to make it even better and easier, TMS can easily be integrated with your company’s ERP.

Businesses that can benefit from using TMS

Basically any businesses with a fleet can benefit from using our system. But to be specific, we have clients from many different fields of business and some of them are:


Obviously, logistic companies can definitely find TMS useful as the software is able to track vehicles and estimate time of arrival. The system also provides automation of invoices which reduces hassle and increases efficiency.


Public transport and other transport services can also benefit from TMS. Management features such as driver management, alert and notification management, trip optimization, and maintenance management definitely help support better customer service and provide more control the companies have on the quality of their drivers and vehicles.


Almost like public transport, travel companies would highly benefit from using TMS. With TMS, travel companies would be able to track and get reminders on their maintenance schedules keeping their vehicles on the top of their game.

Courier service

Courier services would very likely take most advantages of our order management, customer portal, and invoicing features. The system easily covers the whole delivery process from one end to the other.


Any businesses with fleet and fleet operations can and will find TMS helpful. TMS makes transporting information faster and easier. The system’s management features and ability to collect and report data in real-time helps your fleet and warehouse operations minimize human errors and work more efficiently.

If you think your business could use TMS but haven’t, there is no better time to switch than now. TMS has many features that may boost your productivity. The Transportation Management System developed by McEasy is fully customizable and can be tailored according to your company’s needs. We look forward to hearing from your company.

#mceasy #tms #vsms #transportation #logistic

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